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yzcca88游戏登录网址4D团队, 由学生事务行政领导的独特伙伴关系支持, 学术事务、职业和专业发展, develops 和 operationalizes strategic goals designed to enhance the 4 d的经验 at DU. 他们通过三个关键方式做到了这一点. 第一个, 通过教育DU社区和提供咨询来提高认识, increase dialogue 和 elevate practice around the 4D model of holistic student development. 第二个, by building creative capacity to support 和 generate innovative approaches to embedding 和 amplifying the 4D experience. 和第三, 通过战略举措和规划让社区参与进来, 与校园伙伴密切合作, 确保DU体验是4D体验.  

如果您对4D体验有疑问, 或者想知道如何参与进来, 4D团队邀请您伸出援手. 




劳拉Perille, 博士学位, provides strategic leadership for the development 和 operationalization of the university-wide 4D model 和 experience centered on holistic learning 和 development. She brings to this role deep experience designing 和 overseeing high-impact, co-curricular 项目. 以前, Laura served as associate director of the Center for Research 和 Fellowships at Georgetown University, 她在哪里指导本科生, 研究生和校友反思和整合他们的学习, 加深他们的专业知识,讲述他们的故事. 在乔治敦大学之前, she worked as an associate with the Office of National Fellowships 和 the Hamel Center for Undergraduate Research at the University of New Hampshire. 她拥有布朗大学历史学博士和硕士学位, 她是那里的彼得·格林博士学者和布朗/惠顿学院研究员. She has p艺术icipated in special institutes through the National Endowment for the Humanities 和 the Folger Shakespeare Library.





奥黛丽汤森 has many years of experience conducting research on internationalization at home 和 study abroad programming in higher education. 除了她在4D团队的工作, she is an adjunct instructor in the Office of Internationalization 和 Living 和 Learning Communities 和 is currently pursuing her doctorate in higher education with a cognate in internationalization at the yzcca88游戏登录网址. She received her BA in International Studies 和 BS in Natural 资源 Recreation 和 Tourism from Colorado State University 和 her master's degree in higher education with a focus on student affairs 和 administration from the Morgridge College of Education at the yzcca88游戏登录网址.  


4D Director of 教师 Innovation; Professor, Communication Studies

A photo of 艾琳Willer, a woman with dark curly hair 和 a blue 和 white striped shirt

Dr. Willer’s work is guided by two questions: 1) how do grievers narrate their lives against the backdrop of complex systems of power? 2)我们如何参与讲故事, 艺术, 以及培养幸福感的具体实践, 沟通, 创造力, 同情, 以及面对疾病的社区, 死亡, 和损失? 艾琳在杜克大学教授几门课程, including Communicating Grief 和 Loss; Communication, 同情, 和 Craftivism; Visual Narratives of Women’s Health; 和 Running as Feminist Embodiment. 她曾担任过几个行政职务, including the Communication Studies Director of Graduate Studies 和 Graduate Teaching Instructors, 以及健康生活和学习社区的系主任. Dr. 威勒曾多次获得研究和教学奖项, including the 2016 DU Center for Community Engagement to Advance Scholarship 和 Learning’s (CCESL) Service-Learning 教师 of the Year Award, 2018年 家庭传播杂志 年度最佳文章奖, 以及2020年西部州传播协会杰出教师奖.

Nathan Willers,教育学博士

4 d的经验传播总监

Dr. Willers ('22) has worked in higher education 和 nonprofit 沟通s 和 marketing leadership for more than 15 years. 善于与人沟通, 的关系, 战略举措, his work 和 professional interests include authenticity in higher education 沟通, 公共财政政策, 员工敬业度和留任率, 将学生的经历与学校的使命联系起来. Nathan has worked at DU since 2017 和 held previous roles at the 纽曼中心 for the Performing Arts 和 the College of Natural Sciences & 数学. 他曾担任工作人员咨询委员会/工作人员参议院主席. 2022年,他获得了杜克大学莫里奇教育学院的教育学博士学位.


4D辅导副主任 & 规划

山姆Anderson-Lehman has diverse experiences across a variety of higher education fields, 包括校园活动, 住房, 取向, 职业/学术建议, 学生领导. These experiences help him to bring a holistic approach to building an engaging campus environment. 他也曾在Front Fange地区的各种机构工作过, 跨越私人, 公共, 四年, 社区大学. 在他所有的经历中, 他试图让学生掌握这些技能, 知识, 以及通过高等教育和其他教育规划自己道路的能力. He received his BA in Gender 和 Women’s Studies 和 MA in Higher Education with a focus on diversity in higher learning at the yzcca88游戏登录网址.


4D 教师 Fellow of Well-Being; Professor, Psychology

凯特丽·麦克雷的照片, 一名身穿白色外套、头戴米色针织帽的女子对着镜头微笑

Dr. McRae is an affective scientist who studies emotion regulation - how we're able to control (和 how we're not able to control) our emotions. 要做到这一点, 她使用了多种方法——问卷调查, 实验室的任务, 外围生理学, 和 brain imaging - to examine what works 和 what doesn't to change emotion in the body 和 the brain. Dr. McRae has been deeply involved in Student Success efforts at DU since 2019 和 is excited to integrate her scholarship around emotion 和 resilience with other aspects of well-being to support more dimensions of student success at DU. 


4D 教师 Fellow of Reflection; Teaching Professor, University Writing Program

卡拉·塔扎克(Kara Taczak)的照片,她有着齐肩的赤褐色头发,对着镜头微笑

Dr. 塔扎克是一名教师和学者,目前是 合成的研究. 她在作曲理论方面的研究屡获殊荣, 教育学, 和课程, 特别注重反思和教学的转移. 第一年的写作课程, 迁移教学(TFT), 已经在全国和国际上的多家机构进行了改编. 这本书概述了课程, 跨语境写作:转换、组成和写作地点 获得2015年学院会议, 作文, 传播研究影响力奖, 以及2016年美国写作项目管理委员会最佳图书奖. This research has been supported by multiple national grants 和 several faculty research grants from DU. 作为对这项研究的回应, she has been asked to give keynote addresses 和 lead faculty workshops at institutions across the country 和 internationally. 作为4D反思学院的研究员, she hopes to bring what she has learned from her research on transfer 和 reflection into helping elevate conversations 和 underst和ings about reflection at DU.


4D 教师 Fellow of Character; Assistant Professor, Communication Studies

克里斯·蒂茨(chris Tietsort)的照片,一个留着黑色短发的男人正看着镜头

博士的心脏. Tietsort的研究重点是我们如何加强人与人之间的联系. For him, this has led to research on empathy 和 同情 in personal 和 organizational contexts. Much of his research has examined the contextual factors that limit or constrain 同情, such as how organizational discourses impact whether or not people receive 同情 at work. He is also very interested in how it is that we can cultivate empathic 和 同情ate abilities as well, such as pedagogical theories that help people *become* more empathic as opposed to just underst和ing what empathy is. 在他作为4D学院院士的角色中, he hopes to p艺术ner with other faculty to think critically about the ways we are equipping our students with enduring qualities 和 commitments - like empathy 和 同情 - that will support their ability to live lives of purpose 和 work for the 公共 good.